Category Archives: Beetroot

Speedy suppers: Pasta

Pasta jars

Many people’s ‘go to’ supper for something quick, filling and effortless after a long day is pasta, and it can be just as useful a standby for your baby too. There are all sorts Continue reading →

First taste recipe ideas #1

Whilst the joy of baby-led weaning is that you all get to eat the same thing, you may want to adapt your usual repertoire slightly, at least to start with, to make dishes as easy as possible for your baby to handle. The first of a couple of our particular favourites that we’ve tried with Rory in the last couple of weeks and have gone down well are golden beetroot falafels, brought about by a friend dropping in with some gifts from her allotment. Falafels are great in general, a protein rich, very baby-friendly way to eat pulses. They are also great for older toddlers and children to help in the preparation of, lots of ingredients to mix plus a chance to really get stuck in and get your hands dirty in the shaping of the patties. My daughter loves to squelch the mixture and roll it in to balls with me. Continue reading →