Category Archives: Tea

Picnic while the sun shines… What DO real men eat?


My daughter goes back to school this week, but with a couple of training days to ease us in it feels like we’ve all been granted a reprieve and the holidays aren’t quite over yet… As we eek out these last few days of leisure, wanting to make the most of carefree days before we’re governed by the bloody bell tolling, speed teeth brushing and who’s put whose shoes down the loo… What better way to do it than with a picnic! Continue reading →

Did someone say pancakes?


So, as the title may allude, this post has only been in the pipeline for the last 4 months… apologies for my silence, you know when life and children…and life and children… and life just get in the way? Well, that.  Anyway, as I was saying…PANCAKES!

We get pretty excited about pancakes in this house. As you know they are our favourite breakfast treat
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A Sense of Resolve

The new year always brings with it a fresh start, the chance to turn over a new leaf and banish bad habits, or at least have a stab a resolving to. For many, these resolutions might involve food: to eat more healthily, to cook more, to eat more fruit and veg. But whilst for those of us with families these ideals may be all the more important, they can also seem more unrealistic, when you’re time pressed, to forgo the most convenient option. Continue reading →

DIY Meals


I love to cook, but increasingly, with the craziness of child-rearing and all that it entails, I find myself looking for shortcuts and easy options in trying to ensure a delicious and nutritious home-cooked meal enjoyable for all without me losing my mind in the process. Continue reading →

Soup Kitchen

Soup in this image courtesy of Lucy and her kitchen, not Ma Hart at all!

Soup in this image courtesy of Lucy and her kitchen, not Ma Hart at all!

Mmm soup, warming lunches and cosy suppers. Perfect with nothing more than some crusty bread and perhaps a little cheese. Filling the house up Continue reading →

Baking For Babies


Everyone loves cake, and, it seems, that babies are no exception. Plus it’s as portable and convenient as it is quick to knock up. The baby-friendly treats are also super healthy

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Speedy suppers: Pasta

Pasta jars

Many people’s ‘go to’ supper for something quick, filling and effortless after a long day is pasta, and it can be just as useful a standby for your baby too. There are all sorts Continue reading →

Eating Angst

Whilst baby-led weaning is most certainly a no-stress approach to weaning there are a number of safety considerations that need to be taken into account. It is completely safe for a baby of six months or older to feed themselves, and they have inbuilt safety features, their gag reflex is further forward making it less easy for them to choke. However, in order for them to be able to safely handle whole pieces of food it is important that they are always in control of what goes into their mouths and no matter how long they seem to be ‘gumming down’ on that seemingly never decreasing crust, they need to be the ones to call it a day and spit it out as fishing about in their mouths can be dangerous as you could potentially push the food further in. And of course you should never leave a baby alone with food.

Mealtimes do become a rather leisurely affair whilst you watch them honing their skills, and generally extend to about an hour I find. It can be rather patience-trying watching them repeatedly miss their mouths or drop the same bloody piece of potato off their tray,

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A definite highlight of these early days of weaning has been Rory sharing pancakes for breakfast with us on my birthday, just a week into his food-loving adventure. And boy did he love it! They are of the scotch, or american pancake variety, so are thick enough to cut into fingers and to remain pretty sturdy for gumming down on. The recipe below is sugar free, and no less tasty for it, so perfect for children. We serve ours with greek yoghurt and berries (and bacon and too much maple syrup for the grown ups!)

They were repeated for friends who came for brunch at the weekend when banana and maple syrup were also included amongst the toppings on offer, Continue reading →